The most timid of his litter, a cat rescued from behind a store, turns out to be an excellent hugger

A rescue crew of employees was alerted about a feral feline with four young kittens living behind a shop. They were immediately put in care because they needed treatment. Tobby was the most quiet of the gang.

He sought to stow away from everyone and felt that he had nothing to do with them, or so he thought.

With a lot of food and a lot of coaxing, the kitty let out his most unforgettable purring the following day and gradually grew acclimated to his master.

After a few days the kitten became ill. ‘I took him and kept him on my lap all day, where he napped and purred.’

After feeling love, the kitty started to seek companionship and summon his willpower to study his environment.

He ended up being cozy with his temporary mommy and felt better about her presence.

‘He may be humble at first, but once you earn his trust, he’s really friendly,’ the woman stated.

The cat is still the shyest of his family, but he is ready for his exciting new role in daily life. He’s looking for a loving family to see that underneath that hesitant demeanor lurks the finest hugger.

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