The rescue of a kitten was made possible by a few plastic buttons and a few foresighted veterinarians

After being sent to the scene of a dog attack on a 7-month-old cat, veterinarians found the critter in severe condition and immediately called for help.

Only via some novel techniques were the veterinarians able to keep the dog alive during the therapy.

Buttons on the face of an animal are an excellent sign of what has to be done to restore it.

According to the clinic’s website, the ginger cat was taken to the clinic on January 20 after being attacked by his owner’s dog. Cats are known for their speed.

Two stitches on each cheek and two below the chin were used to join stitches after surgery.

The brightly colored buttons support the animal’s operated jaw and disguise the healing sutures.

After 4-6 weeks, the buttons may be removed.

Juicebox the cat has finally found a new home where he can relax and heal after a lengthy hunt.

Victoria Odynski, volunteer coordinator at the Boston Animal Welfare Center, said Juicebox’s miraculous recovery was astounding (BACC). Surrounding the dog is enjoyable.

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