How the stray cat recovered and opened its eyes.

This little kitten was found in the streets one evening. It appeared to be afraid: the animal had not eaten anything.

Furthermore, it had crusts all over its body.

The cat’s eyes had been damaged by fire. It was true that it could no longer open its eyes.

If it had not been spotted at the right time, it would have died indeed. It was not really possible for a blind cat to outlive on the street.

In the end, the assistance arrived.

An old man took the cat to his flat. He treated it immediately.

It is poor that the cat could not see anything.

The old man could not imagine its terror at being stray and blind. Because of its difficulty to get food, it became extremely malnourished.

The cat was cleaned and fed. Fortunately, the cat recovered fast due to the working medication.

The surrounding people’s amazement had no bounds, when the cat was lastly able to open its eyes.

It is unbelievable, that the cat’s eyesight was recovered in spite of the physicians’ predictions.

The recovered cat had a distinct appearance.

The man also disclosed that the cat has a distinct appearance. It had blue and yellow eyes.

In the end, the white fur of the cat became spotless.

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