After many years of hard effort, the railway station’s « Chief Customer Relations » cat has finally earned the title of « Chief »

Paul Newman, a Bengal cat, has lived at Merseyside Station on the Liverpool South Parkway for the last 10 years.

The cat loves to hang out in a neighbor’s backyard despite the fact that it is just next door to the train station.

When I was a kitten, the cat would show up at my door without telling me.

Instead than relying on the deadly rails, he just leans on a platform seat to go around them.

The cat became a local celebrity very soon.

Brushing and scratching the cat’s ear behind the ear is common practice for many people who believe the cat sees them off or welcomes them.

It has been dubbed « Chief Customer Relations » by Merseyside Station’s employees.

After all that attention, the cat prefers a walk about the station or to take a sleep in an area that is less crowded.

Staff members started a Facebook page for Paul, and it currently has over 3,000 fans.

Passengers shower Paul with gifts of toys and food, and he is well-fed by the station employees, so his owners have grown to expect that he will always return home happy.

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