Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

There is a city that is recognized and become popular by having a canine on a balcony.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

This cute brilliant retriever has figured out how to dazzle every one of local people and visitors with her charming greeting and smile.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

Mika lives in the city of Warsaw, and it appears to be that she is in charge of greeting everyone.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

Since the canine is dependably on the overhang of her home greeting all the locals and travelers who pass by.

Individuals have been moved by their thoughtfulness, making Mika an absolute necessity vacation destination.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

So much has been its fame in recent days that it has been rated five stars on Google maps and on a Polish site.

Tragically, this sweet vacation destination was as of late taken out from Google maps since it was not viewed as an authority city fascination.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

Be that as it may, Mika figured out how to have higherratings. He so well known that everyone heard about her.

They are taking photos and sharing them in the internet.

Dog who loves greeting travelers from the balcony

Mika will keep on getting local people and outsiders from her gallery, ensuring that they bring home a decent picture of her city.

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