Little lady were shocked when suddenly saw the dog she wanted to adopt

Joly were looking for a canine to adopt while her mother didn’t change her mind and still didn’t want to have pet in the house. While scrolling down the website, Joly noticed an image of an adorable pitbull named Jack. She felt that it was the exact dog she needs. But yet she couldnt made her mother to change her mind.

Joly was crying all the time insisting on adopting a dog and she promised her mother if she took the dog she would never stop loving him.

To surprise her daughter, Sara decided to secretly visit Jack and once she met him she fell completely in love with him.

So the woman immediately signed the adoption papers and took Jack to her daughter’s school.

When Joly got out of school, she couldn’t figure out what was going on, until her mother finally showed her files regarding the canine that she wanted to adopt so much.

The family is completely happy with their new member, and they are very excited to see the love that their daughter has for her new partner in adventures.

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